Join Miss Mary every Tuesdayat 10:30 AM for stories, songs, and activities designed for preschoolers and their caregivers. Registration is not required
Story Time is back at the Warsaw Public Library. Come to the library Tuesdays at 10:45 for stories, songs, and activities designed for preschoolers accompanied with a caregiver.
Now that school is back in session, you may think about the library as a place to come directly from school. Welcome!
If you need something to do, check with the Children’s Library Assistant for some card or board games. You are welcome to use these in the library.
If you want to use a laptop or tablet, the library does have wireless access, but you will need to get a library card, and a parent will have to sign a permission form for you to use the internet in the library. Your parent can make one trip to the library to get you a card and internet permission. Your first card is free.
The library is open until 8PM Monday through Thursday, and 1-5PM on Friday and Saturday in September. September is library card sign-up month, so if you have never had a library card, come in and get one now!