Monday, March 21, 2011

Call for Volunteers

The theme for the 2011 Summer Reading Program at New York State libraries is, “One World, Many Stories.” We will be highlighting the variety of people and cultures around the world. You can help!

Have you taken a wonderful vacation? Do you have an international collection? Does your family have a fascinating heritage?

Mary Conable is looking for people who would be willing to share their world stories with others at the library.

Some ideas:

Share your best vacation stories and pictures at an adult program.

Share your collection by placing it in the display case.

Come talk to a children’s program about your trip to another country.

Share with children or adults how you keep your heritage alive with cooking, crafts, and stories.

Contact Mary at the library, 786-5650 or by email at She would love to hear from you!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Discover More

In the next few weeks, a discovery center will be set up, next to the parenting collection, downstairs at the library. The center will display a challenge each week that you can tackle with your child. It will highlight math and science concepts for preschool and elementary-aged students. We hope this will spark some interesting ideas and questions. Of course, there will always be related books on display for you to take home and explore with your family. Adding activities to your library visit is one way to encourage curiosity and exploration for everyone.